Could not replicate

Controll bug

Ritokappa 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

I can't jump ans sprint while i'm pressing the space bar and shift button

Could not replicate

I was just testing this and I'm unable to recreate the issue. You may have just run out of stamina. In the next update your stamina will be represented by a heart rate in your HUD.

im out of stamine all the time or its regen?

It should regenerate. Are you unable to sprint or jump at all? Or are there specific times when you cannot do one or the other?

the problem is that's always, i try to srpint but i can't, i try to jump but ican't

Could you please provide me with your save file by attaching it here? On PC, your save file can be found at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Random Seed Games\Lacuna Passage\survivalsave.lps. On Mac it should be located at /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Random Seed Games/Lacuna Passage/survivalsave.lps.

I just restart my game and its fine thank you