
Ya'll got my money, when am I going to get STORY MODE?

SGT Charlie 6 years ago updated by Charlie Schuhart 6 years ago 2

Simple Question. This game's been in development for 5 years now... I think it's time for Story Mode to come out finally!



Unfortunately I don't have an answer that will satisfy you. It will be released when it's finished, which will probably still be quite a while since I'm currently working on regular updates for the survival mode. I'm only one person and I'm doing what I can. Every mechanic that is being worked on for the survival mode will also benefit the story mode.


Unfortunately I don't have an answer that will satisfy you. It will be released when it's finished, which will probably still be quite a while since I'm currently working on regular updates for the survival mode. I'm only one person and I'm doing what I can. Every mechanic that is being worked on for the survival mode will also benefit the story mode.

I was unaware that you were the sole person working on this project.

Words of wisdom, " Many hands make light work." I'd think there'd be at least a few fans with dev stills to help you on  this project. Just a thought.