Your comments

Perfect! I'll email you soon. Thank you! 

Do you want to do this publicly on the forum or via email? I can send you my email in a private massage.  

Mr. Owen

I love the game (I haven’t played Elite Dangerous scene I got your game, if that tells you anything) I think you have done a great job with Lacuna Passage. If you want some feedback about the items in your development road map and some general things that makes my OCD/attention to detail twitch a little, please say so.   

Mr. Owen

Thank you for your feed back! 


I reached gamma and saved, also I tested a few things. if i leave right away, everything works fine. If I eat or craft the screen is black when leaving.  here is the save file. My file structure was not the same as you posted. Please let me know if i uploaded the wrong file. Thank you.  


i didn't sleep/save before I tried to leave. I will try to recreate the bug tonight. and update the post.   

This just happen to me today as well, Habitat Alpha and Bravo worked fine, however (On day 17 personal best!) I found  Gamma and it behaved just like Bastion said it did.