Your comments

Thanks for this, I had no idea I was as you put it that close to death, I had thought my food and water etc were all topped up, Was I mistaken or had i somehow lost health or something? Because obviously its something I should have been aware of, but I have no idea what I must have missed. Having said that, I havent touched the save just in case it was a bug and not my ignorance causing it.

Wires 1,2,4 and 5 were broken,  upon repairing them the broken wires were removed, but the component slots are stuck at 0% and whilst I have replacement wires, replace component is greyed out. Checking other items like fuses, you can remove the fuse or circuit board, but the component slot beneath it whilst it states its repairing, stays at the same percentage. I don't believe i have a portable panel, but i managed to get the blue print for portable panel and pop tent on my excursion, however can they be crafted without power?

Also I was away from base for probably over 24 hours and saved at least once in a pop tent without sleeping. Also have now noticed, NO Mantenance panels can be repaired, well they can be repaired and show the repair taking time, but it doesnt change the percentage health of whatever has been repaired. Meaning this save is now completely corrupted, and a new game looms .