Your comments

Sent you an e-mail with this stuff. o7

Little bit of Column A, little bit of Column B. Finding and replicating bugs is a challenge in its own weird way. I also used to do a fair bit of playtesting for other games so it's kind of a force of habit at this point. :V


Bit of an update. I started a new game about an hour prior to this post. I encountered a couple more issues.

I got Habitat Alpha back online (situated in the Northeast of the map this time, Lat 283.0853 Long -6.4536). I walked Southwest because there was a WayStat directly in my line of sight. I repaired Fuse Slot 1, replaced the fuse, repaired the Circuit Board Slot, and brought the WayStat back online. I then proceeded to walk further Southwest.

Around a minute or so later, the game locked up entirely. I think what happened is I had the scanner up, brought up the map, and at that exact moment the next section of the map began loading and the screen hung up. I could still hear the game. I pressed E and could move the cursor around (heard the sounds), but the screen was completely static on the tablet.

I reloaded, repeated the process by accident (I think), and it happened again.

I'm not sure if it was toggling the scanner, switching the scanner off and bringing up the map, or just bringing up the map that did it. In any case, some combination of these things right around where the map loaded made the screen freeze up and go static.

Additionally, upon re-loading the second and third times, I encountered the bug where the habitat couldn't recharge my battery (despite being powered). I also encountered a different bug. I had an equipped (open) Portable Solar panel, but it wasn't recharging my battery. I had to Deploy (close) the Portable Solar Panel and Equip (open) it again to get it to work.

Here's the save file from the same in question. Heading out the Hab door and bringing the scanner up will show the WayStat slightly off to the left out of the door. You should encounter the power bug & Portable Solar Panel Bug.



Here's my save file. Sorry for the wait, it's been a hectic night. I guess we've both been busy!

Yes, the Black Screen still persists. It goes ...LOADING... and then it goes to a black screen.

I failed to mention that for some reason, the hab lights are all off as well during the re-load. I apologize for leaving that out in my initial message.

As you have the save file in hand now, I'm going to start a new game and overwrite the old one. I've made a local backup in a zip file juuuust in case, so let me know if this doesn't work.

Edit: I should add as a reminder that I have video & images available, and the video includes the duplicate door issue at some point. I could dig through it, find you a timestamp, and provide you the link to the video file on my Google Drive via e-mail.

Okay, will do later. The ones in %appdata% etc. Random Seed Games, correct?

From memory though, I do remember that Hab Alpha was in the bottom right, Beta was damn near in the middle, and Gamma was at the top left.

I've shut my computer down for the moment to get some sleep, but I can probably get this to you later tonight. Unfortunately, since p5 deployed, exiting the Hab results in a black screen. How could I get you the coordinate information via the map?