
Is it possible to get the achievements for the bugged locations?

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

I am pretty sure i found the drill rover and the temporary outpost but i didn't get the achievement.


In the previous version (0.57) there were some drill rover locations that worked and some that did not. I got the achievement when I found a drill rover that actually worked. In the current version they should be fixed so any and all of them should trigger the achievement correctly when discovered for the first time.

There are two kinds of "outposts", the remote and the temporary. Remote Outpost is the one with the pop tent, light stand and possibly some storage crates, and seems to be the more common of the two (I found at least 4 in my latest playthrough). I think I did find a Temporary Outpost in a pre-achievement game, but not yet since then so I'm not sure what that one looks like.

I'd guess what you actually found was a Remote Outpost (for which the achievemenet works, at least did for me) but not any temporary ones yet, just like me.


When on an EVA does stopping improve fatigue?

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated by Mr. Fusion 7 years ago 4

I was on a really long EVA 10k round trip and i got to the point of dangerous fatigue and i tried stopping for an hour between each hour of walking for the last 2k just to see if that improved anything. I don't think it did. It was hard to tell. It would be nice if stopping would help fatigue - it would allow me to stay out longer.


Setting custom waypoint coordinates don't update immediately.

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 1

When i first tried setting a custom way point it didn't work. Then i tried again and it worked. You have to set it once for it to start working.


Just a Question on Update

MarsWalker 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

So I saw the new update and wanted to play again. The Long Dark just launched their story mode and I was pretty much occupied with that lately but want a little break from it now, so this is just the ticket :) So I started a new game but I picked localized storms but does that present any more danger? Because I do want more danger, lol. I'll pick option three...big storms, if option two is pretty mild. But if option two is fairly dangerous as well, I'd like to ease into it before doing the big storms game. Not sure if you'll know what I'm asking or not, lol. Trying to find the correct way of forming the question.


The problem with Electrical reporting "offline" while there is no power...

Mr. Fusion 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 1

The problem with reporting "offline" while there is no power input but the unit is otherwise functional and thus not needing actual attention is that it's the same reported status as when it is not turned on or is in fact broken and not operational, and thus does need attention.

It was very confusing when I saw that Electrical was "offline" since I was pretty sure I did turn it on and repaired any low component states. Going out again and rechecking, I still didn't find any reason why it would be not operational as reported.

Uniform and more descriptive states would work better, with seperated "state words" representing the three condition category: functionality, power supply, production state.

Functionality: "Offline" (red) when not turned on or inoperative due to broken components that need repairs. "Online" (green) when turned on and does not need immediate repairs. Does not depend on input resource of power availability, strictly on if the unit is functional or not. When offline for any reason, the other two state strings are irrelevant and thus not displayed. In "Online" state the "Online" state word may be omitted as the presence of the other two implies that the unit is functional but may be in a non-producing state, but still may be preferrable to explicitly display online state nonetheless.

Power supply: "Local Power" (green) when local power generation (panels or RTG) is currently supplying full 100% (or more) power. "Reserve Power" (yellow) when local power doesn't fully cover the power requirement and the missing amount is drawn from the reserve battery. "Power Loss" when no local power nor reserves are available, thus the unit does not drain nor generate resources (but technically still online and capable of functioning). If power supply is "Power Loss", then the third status word may be omitted since it is implied that without power the unit cannot produce, but still may be preferrable to explicitly display production state nonetheless.

Production state: "Producing" (green) when input requirements (power or water) are met and output (oxygen, water, reserve battery charge) is being generated. "Not producing" (red) when input requirements are not met, with specifying what is missing, eg. "Not Charging - No Power Input" or "Not producing - No Water Input". For the electrical system, "Not Charging" should be reported only when power input is 0%, for anything higher it should charge, only at lower rate (already implemented).

For example, a functional Electrical system at night would report:

"(Online, )Power Loss(, Not Charging - No Power Input)" (green, red, red)

A functional Water Reclaimer at night:

"(Online, )Reserve Power, Producing" (green, yellow, green)

A functional Reoxygenator with no water available at day:

"(Online, )Local Power, Not Producing - No Water Input" (green, green, red)


I like the dust clouds

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 1

Adds some nice atmosphere to the experience. No pun intended. :-)

Under review

Allow rovers to be recovered and used for recon.

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated by Mr. Fusion 7 years ago 2

Allow rovers to be recovered and used for recon. I would suggest autonomous recon by setting some waypoints and have it note on the datapad when it discovered points of interest, you could keep it simple and just say "there is something at location x, y" but no indication what it is.

Under review

Change rovers and downed satellites to consumable resources

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 1

Consider changing rovers, satellites and other similar items into sources for resources such as solar panels, wire, circuit boards and remove storage capacity. You could require a player to take the object either whole or in parts to a habitat for further salvage decomposition. 

Not a bug

Datapad was in "walking mode" even though i wasn't holding the shift key

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 6

During one playing session a few days ago I noticed that the datapad would be in "walking mode" when I was walking and I didn't have to hold the shift key. Don't know what caused it and it has only happened once.


Is there a new version available?

wrongwayjerry 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Is there a new version available? I see references to 0.58b in the forum.