Your comments

In my experience so far, storms last for about 3-5 sols (depending on size and speed), the worst part with the severely reduced power production being maybe 2-3 sols or so of that.

They are perfectly survivable (I had one scenario in which the first one arrived on the morning of sol 1, but surviving that was a close one and probably as much luck with finding enough supplies nearby before it got really bad as "survival skill"), but you may need to prepare for it on the first sign of visibility dropping at any WayStat by starting to build up oxygen and water reserves, possibly rearranging solar panels to supply only the more important systems, and actively managing power use during the worst part by running systems only for as long as absolutely necessary or even spending periods of time having everything turned off.

And if you manage to score an RTG before one hits (not too likely for the first one in the Big Storm scenario, but it actually happened to me on one occasion), things become almost too easy.

But what you did is actually a viable (and possibly more exciting, if also more risky) solution, trying to get out of the storm impact area, possibly to another Hab, or at least a Remote Outpost if you found any, and staying there until the storm passes in the area you normally are.

The oxygen canister plan (temporarily) disappears from the list when the hab has less than 50L oxygen reserves left, since filling one canister requires at least that much.

Probably not the ideal solution (I believe it's on the "this should be improved in some way at some point" list), but this was the simplest fix the current crafting mechanism allowed without having to introduce some new UI element, crafting input category, feedback text or anything else.

I have a collection of notes / ideas regarding component degradation and crafing in relation to other gameplay elements, such as managing the systems and how storms may affect them, and some of them seem to be in line with what you also have in mind.

I'm planning to arrange them into something useful and post it in a bit of an overall balance/system feedback thread once you are done with the upcoming update which I suspect is a big one to tackle so you have enough on your plate as it is until that one's done.

When you have extras to fill in "backup" slots, that gives a tradeoff: you will have a "hotswap" for that component category if another one fails, reaching zero condition sooner than the rest. If you need one and have only one and that fails while you are not around, the system shuts down. If you have one which started at a lower condition and an extra (currently marked as white) which started at higher, then even if you don't make it back in time to fix the one that was lower to begin with, if/when that one fails, the extra will take over and keep the system running. On the other hand, everything that's installed in a system is at risk of breaking when its slot breaks before you can prevent it, while things at storage do not degrade. Components themselves have no "condition", the condition is of the slot that they are installed into. If the slot itself breaks, it will destroy the component that was installed into it.

And there's another factor: for certain component categories, such as carbon filters and hoses, the "load" of the system operation is spread across the number of components installed. When you have more components in those categories (green and white slots with no empties), the individual ones will degrade somewhat slower and the system will produce slighly more of what it does compared to when you only have as many installed as necessary to function (only green and empty slots).

I'm really not sure about lowering the degradation rate, to be honest. Even the way it is now, it makes crafting effectively useless as nothing ever breaks if you pay a little attention to it. I've literally never crafted anything other than filled canisters (and a pop tent recently) in well over a 100 hours of combined playtime as there never was any need to.

It could use some rethinking, but more along the lines which would cause things to actually break unexpectedly at a reasonable frequency (or maybe have the player start with much less ready made components and more materials instead). I've been thinking about this problem for a long time now but still couldn't come up with anything that makes crafting more needed but within the constraints of the fixed amount of materials you have in the game. One thing that should be a part of it is being able to salvage broken components (with a loss) instead of discarding them completely as a source of materials.

Encumberance was changed/fixed several months ago, if you are above 50 kgs, you cannot run. It was always supposed to work like that but had some issues.

The red part is the external temperature (outside the EVA suit), and it's red since it's below 0, but when you're outside, it's always below zero (-10 to -80 typically depending on time of day). If it's below 0 while inside a hab is when it's a problem since that means the hab has no heating (turned off or failed) and the EVA suit is draining its internal battery to keep you warm.

Component degradation feels a bit faster now than what it used to be (although there was no mention of any specific changes to it), 3 days without maintenance, if not started out at a high condition, is about enough for a lot of hab components to break. I usually ensure none is below 70-75% before I leave for a longer trip (1.5-2 sols) and that gave me plenty of safety margin so far.

It still happens in 0.61.2 for me so I'm not sure why didn't/doesn't for you. Open the map screen, use the "+" or maximum zoom button to zoom in from the default full view, switch to the weather screen, switch back to the map, and it's back to the default full map view.

Is this a possible scenario for the rest of the systems too? As in, can they be individually turned on even when the battery is at zero but there is enough local power to operate the given unit itself, or they also check the battery first and if the battery is at zero they will not power up even when they could run on local power?

How is the power checking/routing logic implemented? All the generated units (if any) are simply sent to the battery first if Electrical is on, then the needed units are drawn back out from the battery if there are enough units available? Or first local drain is substracted from local use and the result is either added to the battery or taken out from it? The second method would work for all four systems uniformly and ensure that when there's enough local power (generated minus used is equal to or greater than zero), the system itself would come online and do its thing regardless if there's charge in the battery or not.

So each system should do something like this per tick:

  1. Power switch off. - Report "offline" status, abort.
  2. Missing/failed components. - Report "failed" status, abort.
  3. Substract current power use from current power generation to calculate a "net power" value.
  4. If battery value + net power would be negative. - Report "offline due to not enough power" status, abort. (As long as net power is not less than zero, and assuming battery value cannot go below zero, which it shouldn't, this won't be true regardless of battery value and the system will work.)
  5. Do production calculations.
  6. Net power is less than one. - Report "drawing" status, "add" (negative or zero) net power to battery value, abort. (Zero means not drawing right now, but not generating reserve either so over a whole day it will use more than it contributes so it's effectively drawing.)
  7. Electrical is offline/failed. - Report "local only" status, abort.
  8. Report "feeding" status, add net power to battery value.

While probably not too common, there could be a situation where the player is unable to keep Electrical operational, causing the battery to sit at 0% charge, but even in this situation the other systems should be able to function and produce during the day while their local power can feed them directly, instead of a dead battery meaning no system can ever run as they always want to take power from the battery and when they can't do that they will simply not run.

On this note (although this probably is more of a marginal issue, that's why I never brought it up) the visor and the HUD does not scale down properly (or rather, at all) to 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratios and gets just cropped on the sides, making some important information not visible.

Actually, it appears simply as if click events would be queued, and the second one is passed to whatever the first one activated (maybe even subsequent ones would if multiple-clicked fast enough).

Eg. double clicking the crafting station will auto-select the first plan in the list, double clicking the exit airlock initiates the exit sequence and the Datapad will be open once the transition is completed etc.