Your comments

That sounds good to me. Tell the 'expired chemical batteries' show up in containers and in inventories as just a blank white square? Because, mine do.

Okay, awesome. I started a new game anyway. I thought I had to since there was an update on Friday. No worries though, t's cool.

I use them while doing EVA if I need them, which usually do. I take 3 or 4 with me depending on how far I'm going and especially if I'm still looking for other habs. If I'm just going on a small jaunt I take that many with me anyway, just in case something gets me sidetracked.

Yeah, the problem was that I had just found the hab when the storm started cropping up. I ran around doing diagnostics and fixing anything in poor repair and getting the hab up and running, but it didn't have a lot going for it right from the get go. Barely any power or oxygen. By the fourth morning I was getting the power going on and off....sort of blinking, so I left, with it running so it could eventually build resources up. Going off course turned out to be a good thing too when I was trying to find the closest hab with the nav offline, because I found another remote outpost down there, in the furthest south east corner of the map. Excuse me if I don't use correct terms. I'm not as techie as all you guys, lol. The storm is still going over there so it's been a lot longer than five sols. Closer to six, seven or eight now.

Okay, I'm good. I just went back there and did a little repairing on the electrical module, just the wires and fuses and then I went to activate the weather station near there and found some more caches near that with more oxygen, thankfully, lol. So I'm going to shut down that hab for now since I won't go back to it till you investigate it. I'll look for the fourth hab instead and see how that one is. Btw, is there another big update this weekend? I'm not sure if I read that somewhere or not. Anyway, thanks and have a good weekend and hopefully a little R&R :)

Okay, will do. Do I have to go back there again first or no? I guess not.

Let me know if you need me to make the video and I'll do it later on tonight. I just went back and the hab's modules have been running since I left but there's still no power there. It shows electrical is functioning but everything else is in the red and there are no lights working either. I forgot to turn recording on dang it, but instead I just got a screenshot so I just quit there and will redo it later tonight if you want. Here's the screenshot I did get and the custom objective marker I'm heading towards is the hab in question. It's in the north west. Let me know if you'd like to see the video of the hab and I'll go back later on and make sure I record it this time.

Okay I've got the plan back now. I'd wondered, since I'd realized the hab was low on oxygen since I had stolen some of it before I went out on that jaunt and found that other hab, if it doesn't show when there's not enough oxygen to support filling the tanks. If so, I've never noticed that before, lol.

I wish now that I hadn't left some full oxygen tanks at my other hab which is too far away. Anyway, when I get enough oxygen tanks I'm going to go back and video what's going on over at that last hab.

Nothing, I double and tripled checked everything and also ran quite a few diagnostic tests because my life was on the line. I didn't overlook a thing.

Also, now, at the other hab I'm trying to fill up some oxygen tanks and I filled two of them when that whole plan just disappears. It's completely just, poof gone. I check in the data pad documents and it confirms it's gone. Do the plans only have a certain amount of jobs they can fulfill...because that doesn't make sense at all to me? A plan is just a plan. But it's gone. I can do a video of all this if you want although, I can't now show that I did possess that plan, lol.