Your comments

I'm never gone for long.

Thanks, that explains a lot. If you've read any of my previous comments from awhile back, you'd see that I already knew that it was only slot integrity that needs damage control, so I don't know why I asked about item damage in storage, lol. That said though, I understand the green and white dots now and what should or doesn't need to be installed but it does seems to me that all installed components degrade at the same rate of time. So are you saying that if I have five fuses installed, the rate of overall degradation will be noticeably slower?

Oh, okay. So I don't need full on components. I mean, I don't use all the fuses but I thought that elements and like that were important to have full. I've read that all aren't needed but I thought if you can, all is better. Hmmmm, maybe I'm over using stuff that would be better left in storage and in good condition? Or do things degrade overtime while in storage too? That's something I haven't yet paid attention to.

Well, then again, I should have known from experience with so many games and so should newbies figure that out. I just didn't think of it because it hadn't ever happened to me, whether I've just been light enough or what have you, so I didn't even think it was a thing, lol.

It all sounds awesome to me! But, OMG I just died! LMAO. It's been a long time since I've died on Random Seed's Mars. I like that though. The two wires I had for electrical wasn't enough to sustain the hab overnight and I stupidly didn't recharge my battery while I was outside checking around, thinking I'd have enough power to get in to bed and do it in the morning. Nope. Power goes out almost right after nightfall and I couldn't even recharge the battery in the hab itself since that was all the way drained also, of course. My battery was down to only 22 so I just shut everything off and hightailed it back to the hab I just had found. Didn't make it, whoops. The whole game was off on the wrong foot right from the get go, or soon afterward, lol.

Here's a suggestion though. When we're too encumbered to run, maybe it should say so? 'You're too encumbered to run'. Idk? Not criticizing. Just thinking of newbies.

Yeah, the encumbrance thing makes sense. I just don't think I noticed that before since I'm never very encumbered. The info 'in red' makes sense too and I always assumed that, but wanted to make sure it didn't mean i was in trouble while doing eva. The broken elements also makes sense. I knew I was pushing it but that most of the modules were in fairly good condition...but it was my first found hab and I was only going out for more resources and didn't expect to find the second hab so quickly. The second hab had it's own problems that I had decided to fix and then to go out and get the nearest weather waypoint station up and running. Then I went and emptied two more caches before going back to hab one. I know better than that. I should have turned around and went back first to secure the first hab. My bad, lol. Thanks. Love this game.

Okay, thanks. Makes perfect sense. I never experienced too much frying before so it didn't really click. First thing I do is turn something on and then go and repair it's components. How ass-backward is that? lol You'd never do that irl so I don't know why I thought it was okay in the game. Gave myself a disadvantage already in my game, hahaha. I'm an idiot.

It didn't destroy anything else, only the fuses fried upon installing additional fuses and only the fuse I was installing fried, but no, I didn't power it down first since I didn't get the fuses frying much before the update. So you are saying that you yourself will repair everything first and then power the unit on?

Okay, never mind. Just read the change logs. I get it now.

When I find another habitat I'll stay there for awhile to get it up and running smoothly but first I'll jaunt back to the last one and shut it all down. Likewise for any other habitats that I find. Once they're running to full capacity and producing pretty much fully, I don't find it's a hindrance to keep three shut down while I live at another one. When I'm in those areas and need to go to one, I just get them back up and they're good as gold. As for fuses, I do a lot of borrowing from other units around the world. Are you saying though that now we have to put fuses in the way stations?