Your comments

The quick select buttons do work. Only not successively. If you know what I mean? Say Nav is 'T' and Weather is 'V', I click T to see Nav, then have to exit and then click V to see Weather. I can't just click V while in the Nav screen and it go directly to Weather. It's no biggie, I can deal, no hurry.

Still haven't found a rover, lol. Found lots of stuff so far though. I'm trying to remember now if we could go from menu to menu seamlessly before? I mean change to different menus with the quick select keys.? Whatever I'm looking at won't let me change to something else unless I exit first and then go then go to it. Eg. If I'm looking at the Nav and then want to look at weather, I have to first exit Nav and then go to weather. Was that the way it always was? Seems to me just hitting a quick select key brought that menu up right away, idk?

Okay cool, yeah I think it was, but I never use the hab to recharge the battery so when I exited and had full battery I was kind of surprised that it was fully charged. Awesome.

Also love the new intro screen. Beautiful.

Wow, am I the only one who crafts them? I can never find enough of them for the walking and exploring I do.

Yes, more jeopardy is what is needed. I think of The Long Dark and how it takes forever to get enough material to craft warm fur clothes and then how very long it takes to craft these (you usually need to sleep in between this time for some things) and how your sewing equipment can break and be destroyed multiple times during the process. And then, you can lose the whole lot of it if you're wearing it during a surprise bear attack. There are of course, different levels of difficulty though. In easy, one need not worry about bear attacks, or wolves or moose. But, who wants to play on easy?

Good idea. Another thing that I was thinking that there's way too much of is, weak glue, lol.

I just use the ones I've found I guess. I didn't know we got the empties back and it's something I've always wondered about too. Where do the empty tanks go? If in my inventory then I use whatever I have on me when I'm crafting. I usually have a few in storage at the habs and I'll get those if I don't have any in my inventory.

That's what I thought. It was no biggie to me. I collect however many I find and store them later. You also can't tell how many of them there are or that you have in storage until you pick them up and get the item counter.

Oh no, I've crafted tons of them, lol. As soon as I'm down to only 3 in my possession, which can be quite often.