Your comments

I thought I entered one Hab where several suits were hanging by the lockers, maybe it was in the airlock. that is how I made the assumption I do not have it on in the hab itself.'

Line of code.... if contain discovered = now and container.items = 0 then just give us a little food in there lol

sometimes pressing V for vitals inside the hab zooms in rather than showing vitals, especially right in front of the materials, tools, food, after interacting with the storage.

I felt similar experience trying to reorganize solar panels. turns out when you repair the slot, the item can no longer be removed until the slot goes down a bit in "failure"   so at 99% I cannot take out a heating element, but if I go to bed get up and go get it in the morning at say 94% rather than repair slot, I can do it.

took me a while to figure it out. I was scrapping a hab to move to another one.

The smaller panels and portable ones would be ok for the outpost or emergency shelters I would hope.

I would love a Move All or Transfer All button to empty a container or fill one.

find a box of goodies is nice but transferring one at a time is a bit of a chore.