Could not replicate

Controll bug

Ritokappa 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

I can't jump ans sprint while i'm pressing the space bar and shift button


Drop container behaviour

Mr. Fusion 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 1

Is it intentional that it's not possible to add items to an existing drop container on the ground?

Some kind of warning would be useful to tell the player that drop containers don't persist between entering and exiting habitats nor between play sessions, so anything stored in them will be lost eventually (unless they should persist and it's actually an issue).

It could aslo be useful if the scanner could detect them as blue sites with the same range limit and behaviour as it does with the "regular" blue sites.


"Edit" button in Photo app opens its submenu behind the photo

Mr. Fusion 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 1

When you select the "Edit" button (at least I guess that the one with a pencil represents that) on the right hand button column while viewing a photo, it opens a submenu of the sort towards the center of the Datapad screen. These new buttons, however, are displayed behind the photo itself, so only the right half of the first button is visible, and the rest aren't at all.

There may be further display/functionlaity issues here, as moving the selection twice to the left (first being the half visible new button, then moving it further to the left) then hitting Enter either activates something that's not visible (also behind the photo?) and awaiting further user input, or simply locks the Datapad in an unresponsive state until the Esc key is used to dismiss it.

Under review

Fast travel

Cris Streetzel 7 years ago updated by Mr. Fusion 7 years ago 3

A good portion of my time in game is moving over areas I've already explored.... getting back to the edge of the unexplored zone, getting back to hab, moving between habs. It would reduce the tedium if we could fast travel in a manner similar to Fallout. Once a location is visited, we could initiate fast travel on the map. The game should indicate the cost in calories, water, and O2 and confirm the choice - similar to the way sleeping is done. The consumption costs could be set slightly higher than a manual trek to eliminate any 'cheating'.


spelling mistake

Emil Armulescu 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 2

Hi guys,

I found a spelling mistake in the hab zone at consumables ( it is write consumeables )


Thank you,


Can't build or salvage anything to make Wires!

Charlie Kelley 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 1

I'm looking everywhere and no matter what I Salvage, I never get any Wires!  I'm down to 1 Hab because while I was gone, the other two went to 0% and so the Wires were broken... Luckily I caught Hab Bravo in time and have exactly 3 wires on it... Any help would be much appreciated!


Slighly lower open Datapad while moving

Mr. Fusion 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 2

I think it would both feel more natural and help navigation while keeping the Datapad open if when moving it was slightly lowered from the centered position it is when standing still, so that the bottom edge of the screen itself would get aligned with the bottom edge of the helmet visor. This way the entire screen would still be viewable, but you could "lower your head" and peek ahead above the upper edge of the Datapad's frame to see where you are going.


Incorrect weight check when picking up panels at the "3 solar panels" location

Mr. Fusion 7 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 7 years ago 4

The large solar panel at the "3 solar panels" location can't be picked up (gives a "not enough inventory space" message when left clicked) unless there's a lot more free space than what would be required. The panel weighs 10 kgs, but I could not pick it up at 40 kgs carry weight (10 kgs free, nor at 38 kgs to be sure that I have more than 10, not exactly 10) until I lowered my carry weight below 20 kgs (with 30 kgs free capacity I still could not pick it up, with 30.1 kgs free I finally could) by dropping items into a drop container. The other two panels at this location may have similar issues, but I ran out of test locations for checking that (I only had the large panel left at the only site I had available in the playthrough).