
RTG slots don't degrade

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 1

Well, I think they do, but at such a low rate that they effectively don't. In my current playthrough I had an RTG installed for 3 sols now, and its slot still didn't drop 1% during that time. At this rate, they practically don't require maintenance ever, since even at a moderate starting condition they'd last 100-150 sols before breaking.

On a marginally related note, solar panel mounts also degrade very slowly, maybe at half/third of the rate of the other component slots, but it's at least somewhat noticeable, unlike the RTG.


Another year and some really GREAT improvements have been made!

Charlie Schuhart 6 years ago updated by Mr. Fusion 6 years ago 2

Hello again.  I have "ripped you a new one" twice now, so I won't be doing that this time.  I know that you're just one person and I congratulate you on the progress you have made.

1. I love the rock and atmosphere sampling and I'm looking forward to seeing how this will effect the story mode.

*Issue - All the samples, no mater which HAB I put them in, are displayed under HAB Gamma, going so far as to disappear off the bottom of the page, with no way to scroll up.

2. PRT's!!!!  YES!  Finally, I can get a kilometer in under a DAY!  (Exaggeration I know)

* If I can carry, 50 Kilos without being over encumbered, and still walk with 75 Kilos on my back... Shouldn't the PRT's be able to hold more than 40?  Just my personal opinion.  Suggestion? Add the weight of the RTG to the packing weight.  No RTG? More storage capacity.

3. Old issue, but it still happens - While in the airlock, of a fully functional HAB; using the control pad next to the interior door... If you remove all the oxygen from your suit, then immediately enter the HAB, you still asphyxiate shortly after entering the HAB... Even though the HAB is full of O2.  (My fix is to never remove all the O2 from the suit, unless I'm already not wearing it, in the HAB. Then it doesn't happen.)

4. Cheat Glitch - if you put most of your O2 and Power from your suit into a Non-Functioning HAB, the go inside and sleep (great sleeping bags that keep you from freezing in your sleep). As soon as you wake up, quit the game, then get back in and your suit will be 100% full of BOTH O2 and Power! (Happy accident that I found out about, but still a cheat glitch.)

5. Floating PRT - I saw this on another report, but I just saw it today, so I thought I'd include it.  It's exactly as Mr Fusion described.

6. Radiation "Area" instead of Radiation "Storm" if caught in it outside of a HAB. Per the previous post. So that's all for now!  I'm VERY impressed with the progress you've made in development of this game and I'm still willing to assist you in any way I can, should you need it. 


SSG (Ret) Charlie Schuhart

US Army Signal Corps


"Withdraw all items" from hab storage takes literally all

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 1

When using the "Withdraw all items" icon while interacting with a section of hab storage, eg. the food rack, all other items stored there will also be transferred to the player regardless of category, not just consumables as one would expect.

The transfer all function should take the selected filter into account and transfer only items of that category, since, while "all" can be interpreted as literally all, when I want to take, say, only the food stored in a habitat, getting everything else too is not the desired effect. This should be a universal behaviour that works on any kind of container, with the habs being a special case where the three storage sections preset a specific filter upon interaction to show only a subset of items, while normal containers default to show (and take) everything unless set otherwise manually.


Initial water in Hab Alpha is lost

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 4

Hab Alpha appears to start with some amount of water (unless all tanks are broken), which creates various inconsistencies / incorrect behaviour:

  • Hab Alpha is, and has been, unheated for a while so water should be frozen, and frozen water should not be reported on the status screen, nor be available in storage, however, in this case it is.
  • It is possible to enter the hab and get all this initial water from storage even though it should be frozen and inaccessible until the hab is heated up.
  • When the reoxygenator or water reclaimer is powered up while the hab is still unheated, this initial water will disappear in a few seconds both from the status screen and from the actual storage.
  • Once the hab is heated to nominal temp, this water does not return, even though the water loss should be only temporary (as I understand): habitat cools below zero -> water frozen and becomes inaccessible, habitat heated to above zero -> water melts and becomes accessible again. This basically means that all games effectively start with zero water reserve since the initial water the hab is created with will be lost due to this.

Research station shows "interact" hint in unpowered habitat

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 1

The crafting/salvaging stations had this same issue a while ago; when a habitat is unpowered and thus the research station is unusable, it still displays the "Left click to interact" hint text, except nothing happens when clicking the interaction node (correctly, since there's no power), which can be confusing. Same solution as with the other stations, the hint text should change to "no power" when the hab is not powered.

(I was kind of sure this issue will resurface with the new work station, by the way. ;)


Misleading radiation warning

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

When a radiation storm starts while the player is on EVA, the "Radiation Zone" warning appears on the HUD as if the player was approaching the map boundary, instead of the "Radiation Storm" warning that appears on the HUD when the player leaves a habitat while a storm is already in progress. (Or at least that's what used to happen in 0.64.1, being short on time I didn't test if that's still correct and it's not some new issue which affects that warning too.)


Visible daylight inside unpowered habitats

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

As I recall I made a similar suggestion some time ago in the other direction, but this might be a bit "easier" to implement.

One thing that makes the unpowered habs feel "wrong" to me is that there's always pitch black inside (not counting that low red light), even during the day. They have windows, even if relatively small ones, so the interior should receive at least a small amount of external light through them, that changes according to time of day and possibly storm density if any.

And the reason I said "easier" is that it might be possible to pull this off by a combination of ambient light and with the use of light sources similar to the one giving the faint red illumination, placed to where the two side windows and the airlock portholes are located. (For the best results, the windows themselves should also appear to be bright, which then essentially becomes the same problem as making them appear lit from the outside during the night when the hab is powered up.)


"Second" PRT is not marked on the map

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 7

Should the player end up with two PRTs in a game, only one of them gets marked / tracked on the map even after both have been discovered. I'm not quite sure which of the two, but I think it's whichever was discovered second.

In between (re)loading saves of a game with two PRTs, I think there also was one time when I "rediscovered" one of them, as in, I got the "PRT discovered and added to map" message again, however, I think it was not even actually added.

The logic that tracks the discovery state and map marker of the PRT(s) appears to get a bit confused when there are two of them in a game.

(There also was an odd occurence where the "Inspect PRT" interaction hotspot for one fo the two PRTs parked close to one another could be accessed even from about 10-15 meters distance, while the other was working as it should, but it did not persist through a save and I couldn't recreate it so I have no idea what could have caused it.)


"Main Menu" and "Quit" options are the same

Mr. Fusion 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 1

The pause (Esc) menu when a game is in progress has a '"Main Menu" and a "Quit" option, however, both will just return you to the main menu. I'd expect "Quit" to exit the game to the desktop straight away, after displaying the warning about unsaved progress, while "Main Menu" returning to the main menu as it does now.

Under review

Hit boxes around bulkheads are way off hard to get inside, many clicks needed.

Lucien Levine 6 years ago updated by Tyler Owen (Lead Developer) 6 years ago 1

Both bases, all four doors. base in the N/W, and N/E have problems or my mouse is finally succumbing to all of the abuse. :-}