Your comments

Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking too. Does that seem like a reasonable barrier at the expense of saving the game while on EVA?

If you haven't already you should check out the development roadmap.

Many of the things you've suggested are definitely in the pipeline.  I'm basically the only developer so some of the progress might be slower than you are used to with other Early Access titles, but I certainly am working to improve the gameplay loop and provide more activities for players to do in-game.

Got this fixed for the update going up in the next 24 hours.

I like the suggestion Mr. Fusion made to have there be a "use cost" for deploying pop tents. What if the pop tent simply required 10% of your suit's oxygen to deploy and inflate but then still just used your suit oxygen for breathing while inside? The loss of 10% suit oxygen to inflate could be balanced by further reducing the consumption rate of oxygen while inside (which makes sense since you are sitting completely still or sleeping) and you can still refill your suit oxygen while inside with a oxygen canister from your inventory. Technically since these pop tents don't have an airlock there would be a loss of oxygen every time you enter or exit, but that seems like it would be overly punishing and not very fun.

I'm not able to recreate the issue with the door collider even when using your save file. I have experienced before, but it's difficult for me to identify and reproduce it with any amount of reliability. Because of that it's just a very low priority. I have literally not encountered it in probably the last 500+ times of going through the airlock doors. If you were able to give me exact steps on how to reproduce the collision issue then I would be able to investigate a fix more easily. Thanks.

Also, I can understand being dissatisfied with the movement speed inside the habitat. It's something I haven't revisited in a while, but I could perhaps look at simply enabling the run keys while inside which would increase your inside movement speed to effectively match the exterior walk speed. 

This is fixed for the next update (within the next 24 hours hopefully).

Well, I was never able to recreate the collider desync issue, but like you said it may be related to performance in some way. My computer isn't like a super rig or anything, but it doesn't struggle at all to hit 60 fps anywhere in the game. Anyways, I did make a small change to the physics scripting for the stationary rovers that should keep them locked in place while not in use. But you will have to confirm for me after the update goes live later tonight/early tomorrow. I'm going to mark this Fixed since floating rovers issue should be solved, but if the collider issue persists I will reopen it.

The other good news is that I did manage to add support for viewing the datapad while driving and in the process I fixed another minor camera jitter issue in the process. This will be in the update as well.

I think I will probably keep the headlamps/headlights linked between walking and driving because it feels more natural to me. The player did make the choice to enable or disable headlamps at some point either while walking or driving. It makes sense to me that if you needed them on for one then you would want them on for the other. Even though the lights are narratively two different sources, as far as the code is concerned they are the same source with a different mask shape. This is partly why there is no way to have the PRT headlights on while you are not in it. Enabling that would add extra lights sources to the scene and decrease performance.

I'm having trouble recreating the collision offset issue, but I believe I've solved the floating rovers bug. I'll try to get a hotfix out soon.

And you were correct that I'm planning to allow operation of the datapad while driving, but I ran into problems with that and didn't want to delay a new update any longer. I worked on it some more today though and I might even get it pinned down enough to put out with the hotfix.

I don't think graphics settings should affect the blowing dust clouds. I might double check them though.

Ah shoot, you're right. I was working on the fix for that and got interrupted. Came back and assumed I finished it. Doh. I'll get that in soon.