Your comments

If the hab battery was already full then yes, it will then charge your suit battery directly.

It looks like it was an issue with rovers. The system currently has the rovers floating above the ground when you are not near them or while you are in the habitat and then they drop with physics when you get close to them or leave the hab. This allows the legs to get in the proper position aligned with the ground every time. There was an issue with the wheels not "settling" properly which wasn't allowing you to leave the hab. I've adjusted this so that hopefully that won't be an issue in the next patch. 

Glad you like it!

Thanks. I'll take a look and hopefully have a fix soon.

Actually, if you have a save file that I could take a look at that would be awesome.

Do you have a save file in which you can reliably recreate the black screen? On PC, your save file can be found at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Random Seed Games\Lacuna Passage\survivalsave.lps. On Mac it should be located at /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Random Seed Games/Lacuna Passage/survivalsave.lps.

Well, that's a new one. I'll take a look. I should actually be able to get a fix for it that will make that save playable again, so you can set the save file aside if you want (save it to a different location) and then you could start a new game while you wait for the fix. Just an option.

Yeah, I bring in help for the 3D models, sound effects, and music, but design and programming is all just me. Thanks for playing!

I didn't get around to checking this yet for 0.62.1, but I'll get to it soon.

Yeah, I will have to see if this update today will fix this, but hopefully it will.