Your comments

This issue was never correctly marked as fixed from a few months ago.

The reply you got in the other thread explains how your issue differs slightly and I'm hoping that an update later today or early tomorrow should help you. Sorry you are having problems.

I'm hoping to release a new update today which will introduce control remapping. This might help to alleviate the issue, but hard to say until it's tested by players experiencing the Unity input glitch.

The dust storm particle effects technically are not lit. They just change color with the time-of-day to simulate an ambient light color, so turning on your headlamps doesn't impact their color currently. I can certainly work on tweaking this, but as with all the dust storm effects, sometimes changing one little thing blows up the whole rendering stack and causes problems. Low priority, but I would like to improve on it.

The particle effects for dust storms still have few details to iron out. Right now this is a graphical limitation of the way I'm rendering them to keep things from breaking completely. Certainly something I plan to fix though. Thanks.

There was a bug that was making dust devils much rarer than they should be. The coming update should fix this to be more in line with what you've quoted from this paper.

I'm hoping this is fixed, but will have to wait to see if any more reports come out after next update.

Thanks for all your input here. I'll definitely be considering this in the near future.

Lots of interesting suggestions. I do like the idea of having the surplus charge from other units help contribute to the reserve battery. It's actually something I've been considering for a long time. The difficulty comes in how to best communicate these systems to the player. It's one thing to allow the surplus to contribute to the reserve battery charge, and it's another to literally require a "surplus" in order for the modules to have enough power to run overnight. The concept might be better communicated by only requiring 50% power for module operation while 100% equates to adequate operation and charging for night use. If I went this direction I think I would probably reduce the number of solar panel slots per module from 5 to 3. That way the max power generation would be 150% per module. Basically there are just a lot of things that might be obvious to someone who understand the complexities of electrical engineering, but in a gameplay scenario I somehow have to tutorialize anything that isn't super obvious to the average joe. Making these systems sufficiently complex to result in dynamic gameplay scenarios, but simple enough to understand within the first 20 minutes for a new player is a difficult balance.

Or maybe the simpler solution is to just say that RTGs can't be used to charge the reserve battery for some technical reason and just remove the RTG connection slot for all electrical modules. Then you are forced to chose some other exterior module to use the RTG with.