Your comments

This should be resolved in v0.51. Thanks for the report.

I converted this comment to its own topic.

Different difficulty levels are a feature I'm looking into, but I haven't figured out how I would go about it yet. Can you tell me what you died from? It should take quite a long time to die from hunger. Death from dehydration would be faster. And death from lack of oxygen comes fastest. If you are at 50% or less oxygen you should really consider returning to the habitat. If you walk towards the outer edges of the map you may be dying from exposure to radiation (which is our way of keeping players from getting to the edge of the map).

The three randomized habitats are fairly spread out and should be a small challenge to find. I can confirm that each one can be reached with a single tank of oxygen from the previous habitat, provided that you know which general direction to go in (which can be confirmed via your scanner when you are within a certain range of a new habitat).

Right now I'm going for a bit more realism by not allowing you to eat while on an EVA. I may make a change that would allow you to drink from your pack via a tube in your suit, but I haven't done that yet because I wanted to see how difficult it was without it first. Finding more WayStats should help you to find other habitats and points-of-interest easier by extending the range of your scanner.

Thanks for the report. I believe the way it currently works is if you are a certain distance from the door it will close automatically after a set timer. If you are closer to the door however, it will stay open indefinitely. I can experiment with the timer and distance, or just disable the auto-closing when leaving the habitat until after you have exited the airlock.

I've made some small adjustments to the way habitat loading works in the upcoming v0.51, so it would be great if you could report back with your experiences after the updated becomes available.

I'm hopeful that this has been resolved. If I get more reports I'll reopen it, but I can't recreate the issue anymore in v0.51.

Yes, I've been meaning to fix that. Right now it only really supports a 16:9 aspect ratio for the zoom. I'll be adjusting that so that all ratios can still see the datapad screen.

This is intended. It closes automatically if you move away from it or if it is left open for too long.

It shouldn't zoom in on the datapad while walking no matter where you are. This is so you can see some of your surroundings while walking with the datapad open. When you stop moving it will zoom in automatically.

These issues should be resolved in the next update.