Your comments

This should be doable. I'll check it out.

Thanks for these reports. You are catching some great stuff. Obviously I overlooked this. It won't hit the update that is coming later today, but I'll get the fix in the next one.

I feel like some details are getting lost in translation here (I assume that English is not your first language). So unfortunately I'm going to have to just hope that the next update will fix your issue. If it does not fix it then perhaps you can reply here to let me know so at least I can keep looking for a new solution. Thanks.

Thanks. There might be an issue with your sound drivers preventing the music to play which is causing the intro sequence to error since it depends on the music trigger starting. I've changed the code a bit so that it should skip the music trigger if there is a problem loading the audio. So you will be able to continue past the intro after the next update hopefully, but you may not be able to hear any of the music without checking your hardware and drivers. I'm going to mark this as fixed, but you will have to tell me if the next patch allows you to get past the intro.

I'm looking into this, but if anyone runs into this issue and can provide me with a save file where I can recreate the problem that would be useful.

This will be fixed in the next patch. Thanks for the report.

I'll definitely be looking to improve the overall feedback that the player receives related to the status of their health. In theory it should currently function pretty close to what you've described, but there still may be some unintended interaction between the survival stats that is resulting in the confusion you are experiencing.

Good point. I'll look into it, though it may be a non-issue when I implement key remapping.

Yeah, I'll have to see if we can find a way to replicate this issue reliably, otherwise I don't think I'll be able to pin down the bug.