Your comments

Can you give me some more information about the issue you are experiencing? Did the datapad ever work properly or has it never responded to any inputs? Is there an option selected in orange on the datapad screen or is there nothing selected?

The ~ key is to toggle auto walking. Right now the time scale is set to be faster to create more of a sense of urgency and change of scenery while traveling, so that can skew things to be unrealistic. Balance changes will continue to be made.

This is coming in a future update along with controller support.

Could you please provide me with your save file by attaching it here? On PC, your save file can be found at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Random Seed Games\Lacuna Passage\survivalsave.lps. On Mac it should be located at /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Random Seed Games/Lacuna Passage/survivalsave.lps.

It should regenerate. Are you unable to sprint or jump at all? Or are there specific times when you cannot do one or the other?

I was just testing this and I'm unable to recreate the issue. You may have just run out of stamina. In the next update your stamina will be represented by a heart rate in your HUD.

This is absolutely my vision for base management as well. The issue you noted about being able to run all modules on the reserve power generated just from the Electrical module is actually a miscalculation on my part. I'm working on a fix now that basically makes the reserve battery charge slower for every module that has <100% local power and the reserve will slowly drain even during the day if all three other modules are lacking solar panels. So you will no longer be able to run the entire base with just two large solar panels. This has needed to be balanced by having the Reoxygenator and Water Reclaimer run at 10% production speed during the night so that running the modules at night does not completely deplete the reserve battery while you sleep (as long as it is charged up well before night). As mentioned earlier in this thread, I also intend to add expandable battery slots eventually so that you could build up a longer lasting reserve battery.

I fixed this issue. Will be in the next update along with proper encumbrance (preventing you from running if you have over 50kg of items in your inventory).

For now I'm adding a bit of text during the black screen that tells you how long you are spending repairing the slot which is dependant on the current integrity of the slot. A failed slot takes 30 minutes to repair and then that amount scales, so a 50% integrity slot takes 15 minutes to repair, etc. I'm going to mark this completed for now just because it's not in the current budget to create some kind of repair animation, but I could revisit it in the future.

Good point. The sound effect you are noticing might be unintentional actually, but I think the visual of seeing your heart rate return to a normal level is a better indicator now anyways. I may raise the "resting" heart rate in line with your observation on the stress of even just walking during an EVA. Thanks.