Your comments

Good point. It's pretty simple for me to do so I'll try to add it in an update before the release on the 17th.

Translating mouse control to a 3D plane inside the game world is a bit of a challenge, but I would like to make it happen. You may want to check the controls option menu because there is an alternate control scheme that doesn't require you to take your hand off the mouse, but it still doesn't use a cursor for selection unfortunately. But yes, I'm absolutely considering mouse cursor control, it's just a difficult proposition right now. Thanks for your feedback.

I 100% agree. I'm working on improvements like this right now. I'm also looking at a "Withdraw All" option, but there are some hurdles to get past before I can implement it. Thanks for the feedback.

You are referring to this feedback forum? If that's the case then I will need to relay this information to User Echo, since they are the service we have employed for this forum functionality. There is nothing I can do about it myself unfortunately.

Currently the only items that are salvageable are items that are also craftable, but in the future I will allow you to salvage duplicates of items even if they aren't craftable, like tools. Of course, there are a limited number spawned during the game so you must be careful not to salvage tools you might need.

I'm working on this right now actually. I should have a fix soon. I think what's happening is that technically water put into hab storage is limited by the size of your storage tanks that you have installed in the water reclaimer. So if you deposit more water than they can hold it is deleting them. I think I'm just going to put in a prompt that prevents you from depositing more than the tanks will hold. Thanks for reporting.

For crafting that requires multiple building tools or engineering tools you cannot use two of the same tools. For example, if a item requires 2x Building Tools, you cannot use 2 Screwdrivers. A Screwdriver and a Hammer would work though. Is that possibly the issue you encountered?

I updated all Mac builds to Universal builds which seems to have drastically decreased the likelihood of a crash, but I'll continue to look into performance enhancements in the future.

I don't think I'll remove it completely, but I could probably add an option to turn it off.