Your comments

It looks to me like somehow the black screen overlay is just staying visible because the game is obviously doing things behind it if you can still hear sound effects triggering. I may have fixed the problem in the next update, but I also put in a workaround that automatically sets the overlay to disappear when you open the menu as long as it isn't currently loading. If you encounter it again you can just open the menu to make the black screen disappear hopefully, but I will have to do some more research to figure out why it would remain visible in the first place. I'll put out the update in a patch later today probably.

I tracked down the duplicated door issue and that fix will be in the next update.

You can save by sleeping in a bunk at the habitat.

Awesome. I hope you will come back and check the game out on occasion as I update it over the coming weeks/months.

Also, I would be glad to check out your video. You can send your unlisted video link to contact[at]randomseedgames[dot]com. Thanks!

Hi there. Thanks for the kind words. There are two goals with the Survival Sandbox mode. 1) To test many of the primary features that will form the backbone of the Story Mode experience and gather player feedback that may inform the addition of new features. 2) To provide a stand-alone replayable experience separate from the Story Mode that provides more randomization and a greater emphasis on the challenge of survival.

To find out more about what additions I have planned for the Survival Sandbox you can visit our Roadmap page:

You will notice that I am planning things like growing food, performing science research, and adding more interactive elements with the potential for vehicles, tools, etc.

Ah, you may have missed the prompt to turn on your scanner by pressing Q. The first habitat location is not known on your map until you find it, but your scanner overlay helps you to locate it. Let me know if that helps!

Good catch. This was actually intentional, but I think I need to revisit it. Once you go over 50 kg it starts impacting your movement speed up to a max of 75 kg at which point you can no longer run (I think). This was an early attempt at an encumbrance system that I never really fleshed out or explained, so I'll probably need to make some adjustments. But it's not exactly a bug.

Good stuff. I'll look into this save file as well. Thanks again. You are helping make the game objectively better with these reports. And it seems you are enjoying what's there well enough to keep playing despite the bugs. At least I hope so and you're not just masochistic.

I will investigate the save file myself soon, but if I'm unable to replicate it can you try hitting escape and see if it resolves? I know previously there was an issue where the menu screen could be activated while loading which would make it seem like it was frozen, but really it was just paused and you couldn't see or interact with the menu. Escape would close the hidden menu and allow you to continue. I thought I fixed that, but it may be happening still. Just want to rule it out.

If you are willing to provide the video that would be extremely helpful as well. Thanks so much again for all your input here.