Your comments

Found the duplication issue. Thanks for the report. I'll have a patch for that soon, but I'm still looking into the tools issue you described.

Found and fixed. I might wait to put out the patch until tomorrow though so I can include a few other fixes. Thanks.

Okay, check to see if v0.53p8 has fixed the black screen issue for you.

I was finally able to recreate the black screen bug with this save file so I should be able to track down the cause now and get a fix later. The fix should also apply retroactively to save files that are being affected by it so keep your save file and the patch should resolve it once it goes live. Thanks!

Thanks. I'll consider implementing something after doing a bit of research.

Marking this as "Not a bug" for the time being. It's intended, but I may change the functionality if more people dislike the current closing timer.

I've never been able to recreate this specific bug so for now I'm marking it as "Could not replicate" but if anyone else experiences this issue they should still be able to search the forum and comment here. I will need more reports to determine if this is truly a bug.